Contract Award Notice Details
Contractor Name Hyundai Rotem Company, Mitsubishi Electric Australia Pty Ltd and UGL Rail Service Pty Limited
Exempt - Other
ABN Exempt Reason Unincorporated Joint Venture - see below for individual company details
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address Sydney
Town/City Sydney
State/Territory NSW
Postcode 2000
Related RFT ID
Hyundai Rotem Company (Registration Number 194211-0036336)
Mitsubishi Electric Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 58 001 215 792)
UGL Rail Services Pty Limited (ABN 58 000 003 136)
$2,300,000,000.00 (Goods or services supplied)
$3,178,653,826.24 (Goods or services supplied)
Yes - see Project Deed
Clause 22 - Payment for Delivery Activities
Clause 23 - Payment for Maintenance Services
Clause 27 - Variations
Clause 29 - Relief Events
There are no express provisions within the NIF Project Deed under which it may be renegotiated.
However the NIF Project Deed does include the following clauses:
- Clause 9.3 - provision of updated project plans (see cl 9.3)
- Clause 13.5 - the ability of TfNSW to cancel or change agreed network access rights
- Clause 26.1 - RailCorp (or TfNSW on behalf of RailCorp) may exercise options
- Clause 27 - either party may initiate variations
- Clause 32 - TfNSW has certain step-in rights
- Clause 34 - TfNSW has the right to terminate certain separable portions rather than the Deed as a whole
- Clause 54.4 - the Deed may only be varied by a deed executed by or on behalf of each party.
Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed
Evaluation Criteria | Weighting |
1. Customer Focused Outcomes The extent to which the Tenderer's overall solution will consistently deliver safe and sustainable high quality Customer experience outcomes (as outlined in section 2.5 of the RFT Volume 1), including passenger capacity, comfort, human factors integration and amenity. |
2. Safety, Environmental and Sustainability Management The extent to which the Tenderer's solution demonstrates:
3. Technical Solution A. The extent to which the Tenderer's Train solution meets TfNSW technical and performance requirements, including:
B. The extent to which the Train simulators meet TfNSW technical and performance requirements. |
4. Delivery Solution The extent to which the Tenderer's approach, including program, organisational structure, delivery plans and strategy, demonstrates certainty achieving TfNSW requirements, including:
5. Asset Management Solution The extent to which the Tenderer's approach and asset management solutions, including Asset Management Plan, Asset Management System, facilities concept design, Maintenance Facility Equipment and organisational structure:
6. Commercial Acceptability to TfNSW The extent to which the Tenderer complies with the the RFT Volume 3 (Project Deed) and the impact of any proposed departures. |
7. Financial Sustainability of the Tenderer The financial strength of the Tenderer and its key risk-bearing entities. |
Other considerations In accordance with section 10.3 of RFT Volume 1, in addition to the above Evaluation Criteria TfNSW may take into account any other matters, including, but not limited to:
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Agency Contact Attention: Project Information Officer, Infrastructure and Place, TfNSW
State/Territory NSW
Email Address
Original Contract Value: $2,090,909,090.91 (excl. GST)
Original Completion Date: 31-Aug-2031
Revised Contract Value: $2,889,685,296.58 (excl. GST)
Revised Completion Date: 18-Dec-2035
The disclosed contract value represents the cumulative contract price of all engagements, including variations (if applicable), plus an additional 10% for GST. This value may be overstated if GST does not apply to [all parts of] the contract.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Commercial-in-confidence and Cabinet information.
Not Applicable
Parent Company Guarantees have been received from the Suppliers' parent entities.
No loan agreements.
Not Applicable
32(1)(a) - commercial-in-confidence provisions of a contract
32(1)(d) - overriding public interest against disclsoure
(Table to section 14: 1 Responsible and effective government; 3(a) personal information; 4 Business interests of agencies and other persons)
Commercial-in-confidence information is not intended to be published at a later date.
Information not published includes, but is not limited to, the following confidential information:
- Supplier's financing arrangements for the Project;
- Supplier's cost structure or profit margins;
- Terms and conditions of the consortium agreement;
- Base Case Cost Model;
- Any Intellectual Property Rights to be used by Significant Contractors for train body design, train management systems and technical maintenance plan; owned by the Supplier or its Associates; and source code and escrow information;
- Concept Design;
- Various management plans.