Contract Award Notice Details
Contractor Name Alstom Transport Australia Pty Ltd
ACN 165157451
68 165 157 451
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address 16-20 Giffnock Avenue
Town/City Macquarie Park
State/Territory NSW
Postcode 2113
Related RFT ID
Ultimate Parent Company: Alstom Holdings (347 951 238 RCS Bobigny) of 48 rue Albert Dhalenne - 93400 St Ouen-sur-Seine, France
$53,904,120.00 (A project to be undertaken)
$89,296,988.57 (A project to be undertaken)
Not Applicable
Clause 15.3 - Extension of Time
Clause 15.6 – Compensation Event
Clause 29.5 – Set off
Schedule 7 – Clause 5 (Staged Delivery, New Sows & Variations)
Schedule 11 – Fee Adjustments & Pain / Gainshare
Options for:
- Digital Engineering Services
- ULXs
- System Integration Testing (T&M)
Not Applicable
Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed
Evaluation Criteria | Weighting |
Delivery Approach • Demonstrates an effective delivery approach and program that is credible and ensures certainty in delivery. • Proposed methodology meets the Program Objectives, demonstrates robust risk mitigation, and reflects a collaborative approach to coordinating the Works with the Program’s stakeholders and Other Contractors of the Digital Systems Program with the ability to respond to change. • Demonstrates an effective approach to achieving successful delivery of the Contractor’s Activities with respect to safety, environmental, sustainability, community liaison, workforce development and industry participation. • Demonstrates ability to successfully and collaboratively deliver the Works by providing an effective project organisational structure comprising Key People with the right capability and capacity. |
Risk Adjusted Whole of Life Price • The Proponent’s proposed whole of life price taking into account quantifiable relative difference in scope, commercial risks and impacts to TfNSW. • Reasonableness of proposed qualifications and potential impact of those qualifications. |
Technical Solution and Technology Roadmap • Presents a technical solution that achieves the functionalities, interfaces, interdependencies, interoperability and operational benefits to meet the Program Objectives and is adaptable to network change. • The Proponent’s Trackside solution reflects TfNSW’s future transport vision by delivering a roadmap that enhances future capabilities, interfaces with other systems and integrates TfNSW into a global system of users. |
Through Life Support Solution • The Proponent’s TLS methodology demonstrates a long term approach to successfully support the Trackside solution to achieve the performance outcomes as required by the specification, work collaboratively with Sydney Trains and enhance the future performance of the system. • Demonstrates an effective approach to achieving successful TLS with respect to safety, environmental, sustainability, community liaison, workforce development and industry participation. • The Proponent’s organisational arrangement and TLS organisational chart demonstrates the capability and effectiveness required to support the system over its life, including day-to-day support and longer term initiatives and research and development. |
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Agency Contact Attn: Project Information Officer, Infrastructure and Place, TfNSW
State/Territory NSW
Email Address
TfNSW Agreement has an original contract price of $51,228,003.23 (excl.GST).
This contract has been varied.
- Variation 01: an additional $205,027.36 (excl. GST)
- Variation 02: an additional $1,247,388.34 (excl. GST)
- Variation 03: an additional $284,481.63 (excl. GST)
- Variation 04: an addtiional $930,690.40 (excl. GST)
- Variation 05: an additional $463,287.51 (excl. GST)
- Variation 06: an additional $153,745.03 (excl. GST)
- Variation 07: an additional $72,028.33 (excl. GST)
- Variation 08: an additional $451,023.71 (excl. GST)
- Variation 09: an additional $306,046.44 (excl. GST)
- Variation 10: an additional $1,017,076.77 (excl. GST)
- Variation 10a: an additional $750,000 (excl. GST)
- Variation 11: an additional $18,760.51 (excl. GST)
- Variation 12: an additional $47,961.01 (excl. GST)
- Variation 13: an additional $64,197.80 (excl. GST)
- Variation 14: an additional $439,413.28 (excl. GST)
- Variation 15: an additional $76,920.06 (excl. GST)
- Variation 16: an additional $500,000 (excl. GST)
- Variation 17: an additional $400,000 (excl. GST)
- Variation 18: an additional $3,735,897.80 (excl. GST)
- Variation 19: an additional $276,460.05 (excl. GST)
- Variation 20: an additional $3,418,414.10 (excl. GST)
- Variation 21: N/A
- Variation 22: an additional $329,963.63 (excl. GST)
- Variation 23: N/A
- Variation 24 an additional $4,255,349.63 (excl. GST)
- Variation 25: an additional $561,740.83 (excl. GST)
- Variation 26: an additional $262,496.40 (excl. GST)
- Variation 27: an additional $985,739.38 (excl. GST)
- Variation 28: an additional $975,553.00 (excl. GST)
- Variation 29: an additional $775,502.00 (excl. GST)
- Variation 30: an additional $283,486.36 (excl. GST)
- Variation 31: an additional $269,669.89 (excl. GST)
- Variation 32: an additional $996,032.65 (excl. GST)
- Variation 33: an additional $218,657.09 (excl. GST)
- Variation 34: an additional $11,097.60 (excl. GST)
- Variation 35: an additional $46,685.70 (excl. GST)
- Variation 36: N/A
- Variation 37: an additional $5,120,283 (excl. GST)
The disclosed contract value represents the contract price plus an additional 10% for GST. This value may be overstated if GST does not apply to all parts of the contract.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Risk in the construction phase for the Trackside subsystem is primarily tied to the Contractor meeting agreed criteria for several lump sum payment Milestones, with a cost/margin risk split between TfNSW and the Contractor for the preliminary design phase. Foreign exchange risk is with the Contractor for the duration of the Works.
During the Systems Integration Testing phase the Contractor will be remunerated on time and materials basis at an agreed schedule of rates.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Reasons for withholding this information are set out in the Redaction Schedule published on the TfNSW website with a redacted copy of the Contract. They include:
• section 32(1)(a) commercial-in-confidence provisions of a contract
• section 32(1)(c) public safety or security
• section 32(1)(d) overriding public interest against disclosure, such as:
- 3(a) personal information
- 3(b) Information Protection Principles (IPPs)
- 2 Responsible and effective government
- 4 Business interests
A general description of the information that has been redacted from the Contract is set out in the Redaction Schedule published on the TfNSW website with a redacted copy of the Contract. This includes: financial information, third party personal information, privacy principles, public safety or security and third party intellectual property.