Tender Details
icare are looking to develop a collaborative Associate Panel (the Panel) that brings design innovation capability to icare, using a test and learn mindset with a focus on collective outcomes. The Panel will have:
A clear and committed intent
A test & learn mindset
A collective outcome focus
- A Commitment to growing a community of practice
Each Service Provider will be asked provide details on their skills and experience as follows:
Range of skills and services provided by the Service Provider. This can be done visually, such as with an Innovation Design Capability Map.
Domain experience
Articulate domain experience of the Service Provider eg. workers insurance or medical experience.
Experience/cohorts you have worked with before
What groups does the Service Provider have experience working with eg. people with disabilities or mental health issues.
Examples of previous project work. There is also a case study to be completed as part of this EOI.
The Team
CVs / biographies for key personnel that may work on the projects.
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
NOTICE TO TENDERERS – Industry Briefing Information
As detailed in the EOI, icare is holding a briefing session for interested parties. The briefing will cover the following areas:
o The Procurement Process
o Overview
o icare
o The Panel and desired outcomes
o Q&A’s following the overview
The Industry Briefing details are as follows:
Date: 08th September 2017
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Level 15, 321 Kent Street Sydney NSW
RSVP: Please register your attendance by 12:00pm 07th September 2017 via