Tender Details
Council is seeking Quotations from suitably qualified and experienced respondents for Emery Avenue Hybrid Stormwater Bio Filter.
Site is located at intersection of Emery Avenue and Avoca Street.
(1) Preliminaries
(a) Preparation of a traffic control plan (TCP) including application for ROL, prior to commencement of any work, in accordance with Technical Specification 201 Control of Traffic. The TCP shall meet RMS’s requirements regarding the work items that will have an impact on the existing traffic signals.
(b) Notification in writing (flyers provided by the Superintendent) of all directly affected property/business owners/occupiers for a minimum of 48 hours prior to commencing of works.
(c) Site establishment.
(d) Preparation of and submission of a dilapidation report to the Superintendents Representative in the form of a report and photographs of all site features, adjacent properties, shop entrances, etc. prior to the commencement of any work. This report must be provided prior to site possession being granted to Contractor.
(e) Erosion and sedimentation control of the Works, including stockpile areas. The locations of stockpile areas will be discussed with the Superintendents Representative and the contractor and agreed prior to commencement of works.
(f) Setting out of the works by a qualified Engineering Surveyor.
(g) Liaison with public and/or private service authorities and/or companies.
(h) Protection and/or support of existing services.
(i) Site clearing and grubbing including removal and disposal of redundant vegetation.
(j) Suppression of dust during construction; day and night
(k) Ongoing maintenance of the work in terms of rectifying any hazards, erosion control, etc during the course of contract to practical completion
(l) Site clean-up, restoration upon completion of works and disestablishment
(m) Rubbish and graffiti shall be removed. Any damage to function or appearance of the works shall be rectified by the Contractor without delay at the Contractor's cost.
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
Please note Council is now using APET for all electronic lodgements and lodging by NSW e-tendering will no longer be available.
If your not already registered with Apet360. We strongly recommend that you register online with Apet360 upon down loading the tender documents from e-tendering.
The URL for electronic lodgement ishttp://360providers.apetsoftware.com.au/public/bankstownprod/publicjobs.aspx
Apet users guide has been attached to our documents for lodgement.
Address for Lodgement
Method of Lodgement:
Electronic lodgement at: