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Archived Tender List

Tenders in this section closed 30 or more days ago. Respondents details are included, where available.

Showing 28261 - 28275 of 28971 records
Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)


Tenders for Landscaping of Windsor Flood Evacuation Route

RFT ID RTA.685.091.LP250
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 12-Mar-2007
Closes 4-Apr-2007 2:30pm
Infrastructure building and surfacing and paving services
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Last Updated: 31-Jul-2007 12:21pm

Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)

Development of detailed design and preparation of tender documentation

The RTA is currently seeking project approval for the Bulahdelah upgrade. In preparation for the next phase, tenders are invited for the development of a detailed design, together with associated investigation work, and the preparation of tender documentation for the upgrade of the Pacific Highway at Bulahdelah, NSW.

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 5-Mar-2007
Closes 4-Apr-2007 2:30pm
Professional engineering services
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Last Updated: 26-Sep-2007 2:27pm



RFT Type Selective Tenders
Published 4-Apr-2007
Closes 4-Apr-2007 2:00pm
Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency Z Archived Agencies
Last Updated: 10-Jul-2007 3:43pm

Western Sydney Local Health District

Cogeneration Project, Westmead Hospital, Proposal

Request for Proposal Second Stage to EOI # SWAHS 1220/2006 Cogeneration Project, Westmead Hospital. Request for Proposals from selected participants of the Expression of Interest.

RFT ID SWAHS 1224/2006
RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 4-Dec-2006
Closes 4-Apr-2007 2:00pm
Building and facility maintenance and repair services
Agency Western Sydney Local Health District
Last Updated: 16-Nov-2007 5:34pm

RFT ID 0602827
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-Feb-2007
Closes 4-Apr-2007 9:30am
Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications
Agency NSW Procurement
Last Updated: 28-Mar-2007 4:03pm

Central Coast Local Health District

RNSH Cardiac Catherterisation Laboratory Project

Building Works associated with the Replacement of Cardiac Catherterisation Laboratory Equipment

RFT ID HS008-2007
RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 16-Mar-2007
Closes 3-Apr-2007 5:00pm
Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency Central Coast Local Health District
Last Updated: 29-Jun-2007 9:11am

GWS00075 - External Painting & Repairs at Ambarvale, Claymore, Camden, Mt Annan & Picton

GWS00075 - External Painting & Repairs at Ambarvale, Claymore, Camden, Mt Annan & Picton

RFT ID CTS 6330/2007/0010
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-Mar-2007
Closes 3-Apr-2007 10:00am
Building and facility maintenance and repair services
Agency Z Archived Agencies
Last Updated: 16-Jul-2007 3:46pm

GWS00077 - External Painting & External Repairs - Shalvey & Bidwill

GWS00077 - External Painting & External Repairs - Shalvey & Bidwill

RFT ID CTS 6330/2007/0012
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-Mar-2007
Closes 3-Apr-2007 10:00am
Building and facility maintenance and repair services
Agency Z Archived Agencies
Last Updated: 16-Sep-2008 12:09pm

GWS00082 - External Painting & External Repairs - Rooty Hill, Whalan, Glendenning, Dean Park, Hebersham, Mt Druitt & Quakers Hill

GWS00082 - External Painting & External Repairs to 63 properties at GWS00082 - External Painting & External Repairs - Rooty Hill, Whalan, Glendenning, Dean Park, Hebersham, Mt Druitt & Quakers Hill - T808

RFT ID CTS 6330/2007/0014
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-Mar-2007
Closes 3-Apr-2007 10:00am
Building and facility maintenance and repair services
Agency Z Archived Agencies
Last Updated: 16-Sep-2008 12:09pm

Farrer MAHS:

Air Cooling to Permanent Accommodation.

RFT ID 0602730
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 9-Mar-2007
Closes 3-Apr-2007 9:30am
Building and facility maintenance and repair services
Agency NSW Public Works
Last Updated: 25-Apr-2007 11:00am

RFT ID 0602406
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 6-Mar-2007
Closes 3-Apr-2007 9:30am
Public Utilities and Public Sector Related Services
Agency NSW Public Works
Last Updated: 13-Jun-2007 12:09pm

Aerial survey aircraft operation and maintenance

Provision of a pilot and maintenance of the aircraft and equipment supplied by Land and Property Information. This does not include maintenance of aerial survey cameras and associated equipment installed in the aircraft.

RFT ID Lands/2007/001
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 5-Mar-2007
Closes 3-Apr-2007 9:30am
Driving and flying and sailing
Agency Land and Property Management Authority
Last Updated: 3-Sep-2007 11:08am

The Hills Shire Council

Receipt and Processing of Garden Organics

Currently, the following Municipal Waste collection services are provided: " Garbage - Weekly household collection of a 240 litre or 120 litre Mobile Bin from approximately 46,800 single residential households and 400 multi-occupancy residential buildings, with transportation of collected mixed putrescible garbage to the Veolia Clyde Transfer Station; " Garbage Weekly/bi-weekly or three times weekly collection and disposal of either 660 litre or 1.5 cubic metre Bulk Bins from approximately 90 multi-occupancy residential buildings; " Garbage Weekly collection of mixed putrescible garbage via either a 240 litre or 120 litre Mobile Bin from approximately 400 small business premises, with transportation of collected garbage to the Veolia Clyde Transfer Station; " Garbage Weekly collection of mixed putrescible garbage from public parks and reserves located throughout the Shire, with transportation of collected garbage to the Veolia Clyde Transfer Station; " Recyclables Fortnightly household collection of a 240 litre Mobile Bin from approximately 46,800 single residential households and 400 multi-occupancy residential buildings, with transportation of collected co-mingled recyclables to the Visy Materials Recovery Facility at either Blacktown or Rydalmere; " Recyclables Fortnightly collection of a 240 litre mobile garbage bin from approximately 400 small business premises, with transportation of collected co-mingled recyclables to the Visy Materials Recovery Facility at either Blacktown or Rydalmere; " Clean Up Six monthly kerbside scheduled collection of bulky household goods, with transportation of collected waste items to Blacktown Waste, Richmond Road, Blacktown. The Council has resolved to seek tenders for the receipt and processing of Garden Organics. Organics are defined in the Specification.

RFT ID 07/05
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 3-Mar-2007
Closes 2-Apr-2007 2:00pm
Refuse disposal and treatment
Agency The Hills Shire Council
Last Updated: 26-Mar-2007 3:18pm

The Hills Shire Council

Bannerman/Glenhaven Road Roundabout, Glenhaven

The works include all associated ancillary works including but not limited to earthworks, masonary block retaining wall construction, embankment formation, pavement, service utility relocation/adjustment, rock benching, footpath formation, concrete footpaving, linemarking, site restoration and landscaping.

RFT ID 07/04
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 5-Mar-2007
Closes 30-Mar-2007 3:00pm
Infrastructure building and surfacing and paving services
Agency The Hills Shire Council
Last Updated: 15-Mar-2007 3:45pm

Alterations to North Sydney Court house to accommodate relocated Sheriffs Office

Internal alterations to old Police Charge room facilities facilitate relocation and occupation by Dee Why Sheriffs office

RFT Type Selective Tenders
Published 20-Mar-2007
Closes 30-Mar-2007 11:00am
Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency Z Archived Agencies
Last Updated: 30-May-2007 12:54pm

Showing 28261 - 28275 of 28971 records