Tender Details
The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Suitably experienced energy effeciency experts to participate in the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) Energy Efficiency Design Review Panel.
NSW Regions: Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney
RFT Type
Expression of Interest for Specific Contracts - An invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for pre-registration of prospective tenderers for a specific work or service. Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria, and those who best meet the required criteria are invited to Tender (as tender type Pre-Qualified/Invited).
Tender Respondents
Business Name | Trading Name | Address |
ACMV Design Consultants Pty Ltd | ACMV Design Consultants | Suite 16 / 10 Reid Promenade Joondalup Perth WA 6027 AUSTRALIA |
Cundall | Cundall | Level 3, 66 Wyatt Street Adelaide SA 5000 AUSTRALIA |
Cundall Johnston & Partners | Cundall | Level 1, 48 Alfred Street Sydney NSW 2061 AUSTRALIA |
Cundall Johnston and Partners Pty Ltd | Cundall | Level 1, 48 Alfred Street Milsons Point NSW 2061 AUSTRALIA |
Edefice | - | 80 Market St Kensington VIC 3031 AUSTRALIA |
Energy Action | - | 58-69 Lathlain St Belconnen ACT 2617 AUSTRALIA |
Exergy Australia | - | Unit H, Belconnen Commercial Chambers 58-69 Lathlain St Belconnen ACT 2616 AUSTRALIA |
Norman Disney & Young | - | Level 3, Endeavour House Manuka ACT 2603 AUSTRALIA |
Team Catalyst Pty Ltd | Team Catalyst | 67 Haig Street Maroubra Sydney NSW 2035 AUSTRALIA |
Wood & Grieve Engineers | - | Level 1, 280 King Street Melbourne VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA |
WSP Buildings Pty Ltd | WSP Buildings Pty Ltd | Level 1, 41 McLaren Street North Sydney NSW 2060 AUSTRALIA |
Address for Lodgement
Tenders to be lodged at OEH eTender Website: https://tenders.nsw.gov.au/oeh/
Multi Agency Access