Tender Details
Epping is a strategic centre with existing access to transport infrastructure and employment hubs. Epping was selected as an Urban Activation Precinct and land in the Epping Town Centre precinct was rezoned for higher residential densities.
A combination of intersection upgrades and the Epping Bridge widening were the recommended infrastructure upgrades to support the existing and forecast growth in Epping Town Centre. The intersection upgrades were completed in 2018 but widening Epping Bridge is a missing piece in the road infrastructure improvement in Epping Town Centre.
The Project aims to upgrade road infrastructure to support the existing housing development stemming from the Urban Activation Precinct Program, and within the study area is an existing service building with an adjacent chiller unit for the Sydney Metro North West line. In order to widen Epping Bridge, the chiller unit will need to be relocated as part of the early works prior to construction of the bridge.
TfNSW's objectives for the Project are to relocate the chiller, pump and storage tank with pipework modified to suit the new location, and power, controls, water and drainage extended to the new location as well.
RFT Type
RFT Preview Document(s)
Related Records
- Contract Award Notices:
- IPD-23-16423 DT Infrastructure Pty Ltd
Additional Details / Instructions
All interested parties that submit the following:
- a duly signed copy of the Confidentiality Deed Poll; and
- register their interest before 10.00am, 14 December 2023.
will be invited to the mandatory Tenderer Briefing, which will be held on 14 December 2023 via video-conferencing and the mandatory Site Visit, which will be held on 16 January 2024 at the South Services Building, High Street Epping.
Interested parties are advised that they must register for both the Tenderer Briefing and the Site Visit by 10.00am, 14 December 2023, if interested in submitting a Tender for this Project.
Interested parties have up to two (2) days prior to Site Visit to confirm the attendees for this session.
Address for Lodgement
Conditions for Participation
Interested parties are required to complete and submit to the Confidentiality Deed Poll prior to receiving access to the Request for Tender documents attached to the eTendering invite:
Volume 1: Request for Tender Invitation;
Volume 2: Request for Tender Returnable Schedules; and
Volume 3: Contract.
The Confidentiality Deed Poll must be submitted via email to RSW.Procurement@transport.nsw.gov.au
Note: Due to technical difficulties, the PDF of the Confidentiality Deed Poll might not have full functionality. If there is any issues, please email the Contact Officer for a revised Confidentiality Deed Poll.
The prospective Tenderers must attend the mandatory Tenderer Briefing and Site Visit and must also meet the following Minimum Requirements:
1: Prequalification and Accreditation Requirement - Tenderers must demonstrate that they meet, the following prequalification and/or accreditation requirements:
(a) Engineering services are required to be provided by Technically Assured Organisations (TAOs) accredited by TfNSW's Asset Management Branch (AMB) in accordance with the TAO matrix requirements contained in Exhibit B - Works Brief, Annexure A - TAO Matrix of the TfNSW Medium Works - Construct Only Contract (refer to Volume 3 of the RFT). The Tenderer must demonstrate how the Tenderer, each Participant, or provider proposes to address the referenced TAO matrix requirements in Exhibit B - Works Brief, Annexure A - TAO Matrix.
2: Relevant Experience - Tenderers must demonstrate experience of successful delivery of two (2) construction projects within a live rail environment within the last 3 years.
3: Minimum Turnover - Tenderers must demonstrate that they have achieved a turnover equal to or greater than $10,000,000 per annum in delivering construction projects for each of the last 3 years.
4: Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management System - Tenderers must demonstrate that their Safety Management System is third party accredited by providing a certificate that confirms compliance with ISO 45001.
Estimated Timeframe for Delivery
Please refer to the Request for Tender Invitation documents