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Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects) / Market Briefing for Newell Highway Heavy Duty Pavements, Narrabri to Moree, Stage 1 for R3 (or higher) and F100 (or higher) Pre-Qualified Contractors Only - 20.0000303659.0103. Notice

RFT ID 20.0000303659.0103. Notice
RFT Type Notice
Published 27-Aug-2021
Closes 31-Aug-2021 5:00pm
Category Highway and road new construction service
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)

Contact Person
Cassandra Hodges
Phone: 0429 369 434

Tender Details

Pre-qualified contractors with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) under the National Prequalification Scheme for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction Contracts at Roadworks Category R3 (or higher), Financial Category F100 (or higher) and Bridge Category B1 (or higher) are invited to attend a market briefing for the construction of the Newell Highway Heavy Duty Pavements, Narrabri to Moree, Stage 1. The work involves the construction of four sections of the Newell Highway between Narrabri and Moree totalling approximately 27.3km of highway upgrade.

This market briefing will be held on Microsoft Teams at 4pm on Wednesday 1 September 2021, attendance is not mandatory to submit a conforming tender however, contractors are encouraged to attend to learn more about the project prior to Request for Tenders (RFT) being advertised.

It is anticipated that the GC21 Construction Contract will be advertised in late September 2021, with tenders closing in late November 2021. Updates, and additional announcements regarding this RFT will be released on e-tender.

The work includes; earthworks, pavements, stormwater drainage (including bridge sized culverts), kerbs and medians, public utility adjustments/protection, street lighting, property adjustments, fencing, five overtaking lanes, Bobbiwaa Creek bridge safety barrier replacement, demolition/removal of existing bridge sized culverts and vegetation.

Further information on the project is available at the project website:

This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government.

It is a requirement for this project that the successful contractor be accredited under the Australian Government Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) at the time of entering into the contract for ‘building work’ for the Project and must maintain accreditation under the Scheme while the ‘building work’ is being carried out. Information on the Scheme is available on the Australian Government website at


NSW Regions: Central West

RFT Type

Notice - A notice published on this website that relates to procurement or other relevant matters. It does not normally require any formal response. This is not a tender.

Additional Details / Instructions

How to attend:

Please register your attendance for this market briefing by sending an email to by 5pm on Tuesday 31 August 2021. Following receipt of your registration and confirmation of prequalification a weblink will be sent for the session.

You may submit questions during the briefing via the chat room or beforehand by emailing     

Multi Agency Access
