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Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects) / Newcastle Bypass, Rankin Park to Jesmond – Main Construction Works – Registration of Interest - 20.0000303652.0346 ROI

RFT ID 20.0000303652.0346 ROI
RFT Type Expression of Interest for Specific Contracts
Published 26-Feb-2021
Closes 31-Mar-2021 2:30pm
Category Infrastructure building and surfacing and paving services
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)

Contact Person
Leighton Rennie
Phone: 0476 815 162

Tender Details

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is commencing procurement of the design and construction of the Newcastle Bypass, Rankin Park to Jesmond portion.  The project will be delivered under a Design and Construct Deed.

Registrations of Interest (ROI) will be invited from contractors who have successfully enrolled to participate in the ROI process. To be eligible to participate in the ROI process, contractors must be pre-qualified under the National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction Contracts at Roadworks Category R5, and at Financial Level F100 or higher. Bridgeworks must be constructed by a company or subcontractor prequalified at Bridgeworks category B4.

The successful tenderer for the project will be selected through a two phase procurement process. The first phase will involve interested eligible applicants enrolling to participate in the ROI process. TfNSW will only enrol applicants that meet the eligibility criteria.

Successfully enrolled applicants will then be invited to submit a ROI. TfNSW will select a shortlist of applicants to tender for the work following evaluation of ROI responses. 

In preparation for the release of the ROI Invitation, TfNSW is now inviting interested eligible applicants to enrol for the ROI process. Only applicants that meet the eligibility criteria and have successfully enrolled will receive access to the TfNSW electronic data room and be invited to submit a ROI.

The attached Information for Enrolment document contains details of the enrolment process, and access arrangements to the TfNSW ROI electronic data room.

Applicants will be required to complete and return the Confidentiality Deed (Attachment A) and ROI Enrolment and Data Room Access Request Form (Attachment B) to the TfNSW Contact Officer by 5 pm on 12 March 2021 in order to obtain enrolment and access to the Project Information documents prior to the release of the ROI Invitation.

Applicants are required to email completed Confidentiality Deeds and Data Room Access Requests to the TfNSW Contact Officer at:

Applicants not enrolled by the release of the ROI Invitation may still submit a completed Confidentiality Deed and Data Room Access Request in order to obtain enrolment, however the ROI Closing Date and Time will not be extended for a late enrolling applicant.

The ROI will seek industry responses for construction of 3.4 kilometres of a new four- lane divided road between Lookout Road, New Lambton Heights and Newcastle Road, Jesmond, NSW.  Key features of the project include:

• 3.4 kilometres of new road with two lanes in each direction, separated by a median with a posted speed of 90km/hr.

• Three interchanges, consisting of:

• Northern interchange providing access to Newcastle Road and the existing Jesmond to Shortland section of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass. The full interchange provides all movements to/from the bypass and Newcastle Road.

• Hospital interchange providing access between the John Hunter Hospital precinct and the bypass.

• Southern interchange providing access to Lookout Road and the existing Kotara to Rankin Park section of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass. The bypass would travel under McCaffrey Drive. The half interchange provides connection in both directions on Lookout Road.

• Structures along the road to allow for drainage, animal and bushwalker access.

• Tie in and upgrades to connecting roads, including Lookout Road, McCaffrey Drive and Newcastle Road.

• Large cut and fill embankments due to steep and undulating terrain.

• Pedestrian and cycling facilities, including a shared path bridge over Newcastle Road.

• Noise barriers and/or architectural treatment, as required.

The ROI Invitation is currently planned to be released on 8 March 2021. Notification of release of the ROI invitation will be via an amendment notice issued for this RFT.

All applicants must comply with the NSW Government's Procurement Policy Framework (NSW Framework), Supplier Code of Conduct (NSW Code) and the New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement (NSW Guidelines). 

Copies of the NSW Framework and NSW Code are available at  The NSW Guidelines are available at  

This project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments.  

The Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016 applies to this project. This document is available at By submitting a ROI for this project you will become subject to the Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016. 

It is a requirement for this project that the successful contractor be accredited under the Australian Government Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) at the time of entering into the contract for ‘building work’ for the project and must maintain accreditation under the scheme while the ‘building work’ is being carried out. Information on the scheme is available on the Australian Government website at


NSW Regions: Hunter

RFT Type

Expression of Interest for Specific Contracts - An invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for pre-registration of prospective tenderers for a specific work or service. Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria, and those who best meet the required criteria are invited to Tender (as tender type Pre-Qualified/Invited).

This ROI opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details.

Tender Respondents

These tenders are listed alphabetically. Some tenders may be qualified or contain errors and in view of the information given in the criteria for tender evaluation, the list should not be relied upon as an indication of which tender may be successful.

Business Name Trading Name Address
Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd Acciona Construction Australia Level 2, 55 Harrington Street
The Rocks NSW 2000
* BMD Constructions Pty Ltd and Ditchfield Contracting Pty Ltd Joint Venture NEWLink 1 Sandpiper Avenue
Port of Brisbane QLD 4178
* Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd Botanicca Corporate Park
Level 1, Building 7
* John Holland Pty Ltd - Level 3, 65 Pirrama Road
Pyrmont NSW 2009
* Multi stage tender - short listed entity

Address for Lodgement

E-tender only

Multi Agency Access
