Tender Details
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is seeking Tenders from experienced and suitably qualified organisations for the provision of Consolidated Freight Studies for the Regional Projects.
The successful tenderer will be required to update freight demand forecasts and modelling for key freight areas.
All tenderers must comply with the Transport Statement of Business Ethics (nsw.gov.au) through the procurement process and any subsequent contract period.
All tenderers must comply with the Procurement Policy Framework, NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct | info.buy.nsw and New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement (nsw.gov.au)
RFT Type
RFT Preview Document(s)
Tender Respondents
Business Name | Trading Name | Address |
ERNST & YOUNG | - | Level 34 200 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
GHD PTY LTD | - | Level 15, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
KPMG | - | Sydney 300 Barangaroo Ave Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
SCYNE ADVISORY PTY LTD | - | Level 8, One International Towers Watermans Quay Barangaroo NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
WSP AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED | WSP Australia | Sydney Level 27, Ernest & Young Centre Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
Additional Details / Instructions
Questions MUST be submitted in writing to the email address supplied.
Prospective tenderers will need to complete, sign and return the confidentiality deed (in accordance with the instructions in that deed) prior to being given the passcode to access the Request for Tender documents.
A pre-tender meeting will be held on 8 March 2024 at at 13.00 hours (New South Wales time). Tenderers must complete the Confidentiality Deed Poll in order to obtain access to the session. Attendees are required to pre-register by email to the Contact Officer by no later than 5 March 2024.
Tenderers will be required to attend via the Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) applications. The purpose of the briefing session is for the Tenderers to inform themselves of the required services prior to submitting its Tender for the Services.
Attendance is manadatory to submit a conforming Application.