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WaterNSW / WaterNSW – Renewable Energy and Storage Program: Stage 2, Phase 2– Invitation to participate in an Industry Briefing session and submit a Registration of Interest - W0000690

RFT ID W0000690
RFT Type Notice
Published 9-Nov-2021
Closes 19-Nov-2021 2:00pm
Category Hydro power plants
Agency WaterNSW

Contact Person
Chirag Dave
Phone: 98652283

Tender Details

Stage 2, Phase 2 of the Renewable Energy and Storage Program is focussed on attracting suitable market participants interested in developing renewable forms of energy schemes at, or around the Southern West and Northern Regions of NSW.

Specifically, the WaterNSW dam assets available for consideration for Stage 2, Phase 2 include the following:  

• Burrinjuck Dam;

• Blowering Dam;

• Hume dam;

• Wyangala dam

• Keepit dam;

• Chaffey dam;

• Split Rock dam;

• Copeton dam; and

• Toonumbar dam.

Note*: WaterNSW continues to develop the scope of the Stage 2, Phase 2 Program and may make updates to the list of WaterNSW assets.

Potential developments may utilise technology including, but not limited to:

• Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage (PHES);

• Wind schemes;

• Conventional hydro schemes (note: there are currently several conventional run of river hydro schemes operating at WaterNSW dams. These schemes are only available to current owners of such schemes to propose any further augmentation)

• Solar/floating solar;

• Other commercially viable energy generation and/or energy storage developments; or

• A combination of the above or other innovative schemes.

Ahead of running a two stage tender process, WaterNSW seeks Registrations of Interest from the market to gauge interest.  Subsequently to the Registration of Interest process, WaterNSW will undertake a market sounding process with the market to seek input to its proposed tendering strategy.

Full details for the Registration of Interest (ROI) for the Stage 2, Phase 2 of the Program, including response requirements, are set out in the ‘Invitation to Submit a Registration of Interest’ document attached to this publication.  

Parties are also invited to register to attend an industry briefing on Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 11am AEDT.


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Notice - A notice published on this website that relates to procurement or other relevant matters. It does not normally require any formal response. This is not a tender.

Additional Details / Instructions

The registration for the Industry Briefing is separate to the process for submitting an ROI for Stage 2, Phase 2 of the WaterNSW Renewable Energy and Storage Program.

Registrants are not required to have submitted an ROI for Stage 2, Phase 2 of the Program prior to registering to attend the Industry Briefing.

Attendance at the Industry Briefing is not mandatory in order to submit a ROI. 

The ScoutRFP platform can be accessed using the link given below. 



Address for Lodgement

Industry Briefing Registration To register for the Industry Briefing, interested parties must submit the following details via the ScoutRFP platform by no later than 2pm AEDT on Monday 15 November 2021: • Name of Interested Party; • ABN (or equivalent) of Interested Party; • Registered address of Interested Party; • Nominated contact name; • Phone number of nominated contact; • Email number of nominated contact; and • Name and email address for Industry Briefing attendees (maximum three individuals). Following registration, meeting details for the Industry Briefing will be provided to the nominated contact via email. Registration of Interest process ROI submissions are to be submitted electronically only, via the ScoutRFP platform no later than 2pm AEDT on Friday 19 November 2021.

Multi Agency Access
