Tender Details
The scope of the OEM Equipment and OEM System and services to be provided by the successful Tenderer will include:
a) OEM Devices worn by the offender (including battery, charger, manual and required software and programming);
b) Specialist OEM Mobile Monitoring Units (MMUs), if required, for mobile monitoring capability used in the field and at facilities;
c) Any consumables and accessories related to the ongoing use and management of the OEM Equipment;
d) OEM System, including the OEM Application software and operational reporting capability;
e) Specialist hardware, if required, for the Electronic Monitoring Control Base (EMCB) for optimal operation of the OEM System;
f) Capability to interface with CSNSW’s Offender Integrated Management System and management reporting applications;
g) Initial installation, customisation and configuration of the OEM System to meet the needs of CSNSW;
h) Training in operation of the OEM Equipment, OEM System and MMUs (if required);
i) Telecommunications services required for full and successful operation of the OEM System;
j) Maintenance, support, warranty of the OEM Equipment, OEM System, MMUs (if required) and all other components of the OEM Solution;
k) OEM Hosting Services (CSNSW at its sole discretion may elect to host the OEM Application); and
l) Any other additional components required for CSNSW to implement a full functional OEM capability.