Tender Details
The NSW Government, through OFS, is seeking registered Suppliers to deliver ‘as a Service’ solutions for Software Asset Management (SAM) Services that can be made available to all NSW Government agencies through the ICT Service Catalogue.
This process is restricted to suppliers that are prequalified on the ICT Services Scheme (capability M04)
States and Territories: ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
Only a downloadable SOFTCOPY version of this RFT is available.
First time visitors to this web site who wish to OBTAIN a copy of this RFT will need to Self-Register to gain access to any documents.
The register link is on the top left hand corner.
To obtain this RFT/EOI and any FUTURE related Amendments that may be issued, you must download to your computer all the files provided (including from time to time any Amendments), by clicking on the DOWNLOAD A SOFT COPY - Free link at the bottom of this page and follow the on-screen instructions.
Your completed Tender response should be lodged as required by the RFT documents.
It can be lodged electronically via this web page.
Click on the Lodge a Response link at the bottom of this page and follow the on-screen instructions.
Electronic Tender Box Security
During the lodgement process all submitted responses received successfully are encrypted by the system for security and stored securely in the web site “electronic tender box”.
All responses that are received can only be accessed, un-encrypted and opened after the RFT has officially closed.
This is done though a controlled Tender Opening process managed by the Agency’s Tender Opening Committee.
Tender Response confirmation & receipt
A detailed system generated electronic receipt is issued for all responses received successfully.
Having Problems?
Having problems with logging in, responding, downloading, opening or viewing files, please call NSWBUY 1800 679 289.
Address for Lodgement
Conditions for Participation
Prequalified suppliers from the ICT services scheme.