Tender Details
Consultany Services for Jamison Creek Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Feasibility Study and Detailed Design.
The primary objective of the New South Wales Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy is to reduce the impact of flooding and flood liability on individual owners and occupiers of flood prone property, and to reduce private and public losses resulting from floods, utilising ecologically positive methods wherever possible.
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Additional Details / Instructions
Obtaining quote documents and submitting a quote is free and can be done at
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Address for Lodgement
Conditions for Participation
The Conditions for Participation are mandatory requirements, which describe minimum standards that Quoters must meet for their Quotes to be considered. If Quoters do not meet the Conditions of Participation, they will be excluded from the evaluation process.
The Conditions for Participation are:
· The Quoter must be an acceptable legal entity. It is Council’s policy not to trade with any organisation that does not hold a registered ABN;
· The Quoter must not be bankrupt or insolvent;
· The Quoter must declare and provide details of any occurrence, within 5 years prior to submitting a Quote, where the Quoter has been found guilty of breaching any Act or Regulation.
· The Quoter must have the minimum level of insurance cover specified in this RFQ; and
· All Quoters must comply with the New South Wales Government Code of Procurement.