Tenders in this section closed 30 or more days ago. Respondents details are included, where available.

Transport for NSW(TfNSW) Opal Next Generation Program Open Request for Proposal for Account Based Ticketing & Fare Payment Solution Package (ABT Solution) and Bus Solution Package
TfNSW seeks Proposals from suitable Respondents who can meet the Conditions of Participation in relation to the following Opal Next Generation Program packages: • the Account-Based Ticketing Solution (ABT Solution) package ; and • the Bus Solution package . collectively the ‘ Sub-System Core Packages ’
RFT ID WS4251144879
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 31-Jul-2024
Closes 4-Dec-2024 3:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Information and technology
Agency Transport for NSW
Last Updated: 4-Oct-2024 3:23pm
Digital Systems Program – Portable Onboard Device – Market Interaction Process
Transport for NSW is seeking industry feedback as part of a market interaction process for a Portable Onboard Device (POD) as part of the Digital Systems Program. The online briefing will be held at 10:30am to 11:30am (AEST) on Tuesday 20 August 2024.
RFT ID IPD-RM-10069611
RFT Type Notice
Published 30-Jul-2024
Closes 27-Sep-2024 3:00pm
Information and technology
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Last Updated: 31-Jul-2024 9:55am
St Marys Central Park EOI Principal Contractor
Council is calling for expression of Interests from contractors who have the experience and capacity to perform design and construction of park infrastructure projects within the Penrith Local Government Area or any other LGA within Greater Sydney Region in relation to St Marys Central Park
RFT ID PCC2024-122
RFT Type Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification
Published 30-Aug-2024
Closes 25-Sep-2024 11:00am
Agency Penrith City Council
Last Updated: 30-Aug-2024 8:35am
Nepean River Kayak Launch Deck
Council is calling for responses from suitably experienced and qualified Contractors to perform work (Work) within the Penrith Local Government Area in relation to Nepean River Kayak Launch Deck. The Our River Master Plan (The Plan), was adopted in 2013 and has driven an unprecedented level of investment and development within the River precinct. The next implementation in The Plan involves construction of new access points for non-motorised watercraft such as Kayaks. Issued For Tender design and specifications have been completed for the proposed Kayak Deck which are enclosed in Attachment 4 – Scope of Work. The evaluation process will be meticulous, focusing on the costs involved and the construction risks or parameters associated with the deck.
RFT ID PCC2025-175
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 21-Aug-2024
Closes 12-Sep-2024 11:00am
Agency Penrith City Council
Last Updated: 21-Aug-2024 3:57pm

Shuttle Bus Service Contract
The objective of this procurement activity is to engage an accredited supplier capable of delivering safe and reliable Shuttle Bus Services at six (6) locations around Metropolitan Sydney - routine inspection and maintenance of the 10yrs-25 yrs of life cycle of all Cranes;
RFT ID WS4496776582
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 24-Jul-2024
Closes 27-Aug-2024 12:00pm
Passenger vehicles
Agency Sydney Trains
Last Updated: 24-Jul-2024 3:03pm

Supply Operational Footwear Solutions and Separately Total Management of Duty Wear and Other Apparel
Notice to Market advising of FRNSW intent to go to market for Supply of Operational Footwear Solutions and Separately Total Managagement of Duty Wear and Other Apparel during Financial Year 2025
RFT ID RFX Notice 06/2024
RFT Type Notice
Published 26-Jun-2024
Closes 26-Aug-2024 3:00pm
Agency Fire and Rescue NSW
Last Updated: 26-Jun-2024 10:59am
Bridge over Lachlan River at Warroo, 45 km West of Forbes – Construct Only
Replacement of bridge over Lachlan River at Warroo, 45 km West of Forbes – Construct Only.
RFT ID 23.0000129156.0340
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 20-Jun-2024
Closes 26-Aug-2024 2:30pm
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Last Updated: 29-Jul-2024 2:23pm

Waste Collection Services
Council (the Principal) is seeking Tenders from appropriately qualified and experienced Contractors to provide domestic waste collection and waste haulage services to the Wingecarribee Shire.
RFT ID RFT T-2024-5
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 11-Jun-2024
Closes 20-Aug-2024 2:00pm
Waste disposal services
Agency Wingecarribee Shire Council
Last Updated: 15-Aug-2024 3:40pm

Critical Communications Enhancement Program (CCEP) Stage 4 Construction – Site Cluster #86
The NSW Telco Authority (NSWTA) requires construction services to progress CCEP sites to operational acceptance.
RFT ID RFT-10065391
RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 8-Mar-2024
Closes 20-Aug-2024 10:00am
Agency Digital & ICT
Last Updated: 12-Aug-2024 4:15pm

RFT ID INSW_2300023
RFT Type Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification
Published 21-Jun-2024
Closes 19-Aug-2024 12:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Agency Infrastructure NSW
Last Updated: 6-Aug-2024 4:25pm
Pacific Highway Upgrade, Wyong Town Centre - Market Interaction Process
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is seeking industry feedback as part of a market interaction process for the Pacific Highway Upgrade, Wyong Town Centre. The online briefing will be held 10.00am Friday 2 August 2024. We are looking to engage with our industry partners to help inform the proposed Delivery Strategy, the proposed Procurement Strategy and, ultimately, the delivery of the Wyong Town Centre (WTC) Project.
RFT ID IPD-RM-10069621
RFT Type Notice
Published 29-Jul-2024
Closes 16-Aug-2024 5:00pm
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Last Updated: 29-Jul-2024 10:07am

Bundle 31 Advanced Metal Additive Manufacturing Platform
WPCA is seeking to acquire One (1) Advanced Metal Additive Manufacturing Platform to support the objectives of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility (AMRF) First Building to: • Grow the manufacturing industry in Western Sydney and NSW through access to improved technology and skills. • Develop a world-class advanced manufacturing eco-system of firms, services and skilled labour that is self-sustaining. • Provide the manufacturing industry in Western Sydney and NSW with access to technology and equipment that meets their current business requirement. • Provide technology and equipment that provides a useful progression beyond current practice in the local industry. It should be noted that a key goal for the AMRF is to ensure equipment remains current and continues to meet the needs of the local manufacturing industry. The Authority therefore welcomes offers that support this goal, including innovative and alternate offers that may involve co-investment or co-contribution from respondents, with the AMRF seeking to build long term relationships with equipment manufacturers and suppliers as part of building an advanced manufacturing ecosystem. The attached tender documents describe the services required and set out the conditions of tendering. Your firm’s proposal is to be lodged as two sperate files, Price and Non-Price, you should ensure they are not submitted as a single document. Your proposal must be lodged prior to the closing time, of Friday 2 August 2024 at 5:00pm AEST . Any tenders submitted after the close of tenders will be assessed as a late tender. You should note that Western Parkland City Authority may issue an addendum to the invitation documents prior to the close of tenders. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure that it submits and lodges a compliant tender response. Should you require any clarification on any aspect of the invitation documents or tender process, you should contact Western Parkland City Authority Procurement at Procurement@WPCA.sydney We are unable due to issues of probity to discuss these issues with you verbally. Confidentiality: You should note that any individual(s) proposed as a resource in you firm’s proposal must complete and sign the Confidentiality Deed Poll (provided as a Word document) and this duly executed document must be lodged as part of your submission. Code of Ethics and Conduct: A copy of the Authority’s Code of Ethics and Conduct for Procurement activities is included as part of the tender documents. It is a contractual responsibility placed on all Suppliers to provide a copy of this document to any individual engaged in delivering the Services. A central issue in the Authority’s code of conduct is the mitigation of any actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interests which may arise when a person engaged in delivering the Services is confronted with issues that that cause a conflict between that person’s public duties and their personal or private interests. It is incumbent upon any individual engaged on any Western Parkland City Authority contract to disclose to the Authority any conflicts of interest as soon as practicable after the situation reasonably comes to their attention. Any and all such conflicts of interests must be advised to Western Parkland City Authority ( Procurement@WPCA.sydney ) Western Parkland City Authority looks forward to reviewing your firm’s proposal. An online briefing will be held via MS Teams on the week starting 15th July 2024. Please email the procurement@wpca.sydney email address with your Company Name, Contact Person, Contact Email Address and the Procurement Name before Wednesday 10th July 2024 and we will send you a link to the briefing.
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 28-Jun-2024
Closes 16-Aug-2024 5:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Equipment and spares
Agency Bradfield Development Authority
Last Updated: 14-Aug-2024 1:35pm

Mobile Automatic Number Plate Recognition (MANPR) Full Solution
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to seek responses from organisations able to provide the Mobile Automatic Number Plate Recognition (MANPR) Full Solution for NSW Police Force (NSWPF).
RFT ID YR-2024-0020-2
RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 25-Jun-2024
Closes 16-Aug-2024 10:00am
Equipment and spares
Agency NSW Police Force
Last Updated: 24-Jul-2024 11:46am

Bundle 30 Multi-Axis Milling Platform with Automation
WPCA is seeking to acquire One (1) Multi-Axis Milling Platform with Automation to support the objectives of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility (AMRF) First Building to: • Grow the manufacturing industry in Western Sydney and NSW through access to improved technology and skills. • Develop a world-class advanced manufacturing eco-system of firms, services and skilled labour that is self-sustaining. • Provide the manufacturing industry in Western Sydney and NSW with access to technology and equipment that meets their current business requirement. • Provide technology and equipment that provides a useful progression beyond current practice in the local industry. It should be noted that a key goal for the AMRF is to ensure equipment remains current and continues to meet the needs of the local manufacturing industry. The Authority therefore welcomes offers that support this goal, including innovative and alternate offers that may involve co-investment or co-contribution from respondents, with the AMRF seeking to build long term relationships with equipment manufacturers and suppliers as part of building an advanced manufacturing ecosystem. The attached tender documents describe the services required and set out the conditions of tendering. Your firm’s proposal is to be lodged as two sperate files, Price and Non-Price, you should ensure they are not submitted as a single document. Your proposal must be lodged prior to the closing time, of Thursday 1 August 2024 at 5:00pm AEST . Any tenders submitted after the close of tenders will be assessed as a late tender. You should note that Western Parkland City Authority may issue an addendum to the invitation documents prior to the close of tenders. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure that it submits and lodges a compliant tender response. Should you require any clarification on any aspect of the invitation documents or tender process, you should contact Western Parkland City Authority Procurement at Procurement@WPCA.sydney We are unable due to issues of probity to discuss these issues with you verbally. Confidentiality: You should note that any individual(s) proposed as a resource in you firm’s proposal must complete and sign the Confidentiality Deed Poll (provided as a Word document) and this duly executed document must be lodged as part of your submission. Code of Ethics and Conduct: A copy of the Authority’s Code of Ethics and Conduct for Procurement activities is included as part of the tender documents. It is a contractual responsibility placed on all Suppliers to provide a copy of this document to any individual engaged in delivering the Services. A central issue in the Authority’s code of conduct is the mitigation of any actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interests which may arise when a person engaged in delivering the Services is confronted with issues that that cause a conflict between that person’s public duties and their personal or private interests. It is incumbent upon any individual engaged on any Western Parkland City Authority contract to disclose to the Authority any conflicts of interest as soon as practicable after the situation reasonably comes to their attention. Any and all such conflicts of interests must be advised to Western Parkland City Authority ( Procurement@WPCA.sydney ) Western Parkland City Authority looks forward to reviewing your firm’s proposal. An online briefing will be held via MS Teams on the week starting 15th July 2024. Please email the procurement@wpca.sydney email address with your Company Name, Contact Person, Contact Email Address and the Procurement Name before Wednesday 10th July 2024 and we will send you a link to the briefing.
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 28-Jun-2024
Closes 15-Aug-2024 5:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Equipment and spares
Agency Bradfield Development Authority
Last Updated: 31-Jul-2024 1:10pm

Bundle 29 Workshop ICT Panel
The Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility (AMRF) will be Australia’s first industry-focused manufacturing development facility with a singular mission to accelerate the adoption of advanced technology in manufacturing. Key to a facility of this style and magnitude are the supporting items required to maintain safe and productive working habits. These items will constitute a large range of categories, and the WPCA is actively seeking expressions of interests from suppliers interested in being evaluated for inclusion on a Workshop ICT Procurement Panel for the AMRF. The attached Invitation To Respond (ITR) documents describe the services required and set out the conditions of tendering. The ITR will remain open for submissions for the duration of the contract until 30 June 2026 . Any submissions received will be evaluated every quarter starting August 2024, September 2024, December 2024 then March 2025, June 2025, September 2025, December 2025 and March 2026, June 2026. To be included in the first batch of evaluations, your proposal must be lodged prior to Wednesday 31st July 2024 at 5:00pm AEST. You should note that Western Parkland City Authority may issue an addendum to the invitation documents prior to the close of the ITR. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure that it submits and lodges a compliant ITR response. Should you require any clarification on any aspect of the invitation documents or tender process, you should contact Western Parkland City Authority Procurement at amrfpanels @wpca.sydney We are unable due to issues of probity to discuss these issues with you verbally. Confidentiality: You should note that any individual(s) proposed as a resource in you firm’s proposal must complete and sign the Confidentiality Deed Poll (provided as a Word document) and this duly executed document must be lodged as part of your submission. Code of Ethics and Conduct: A copy of the Authority’s Code of Ethics and Conduct for Procurement activities is included as part of the ITR documents. It is a contractual responsibility placed on all Suppliers to provide a copy of this document to any individual engaged in delivering the Services. A central issue in the Authority’s code of conduct is the mitigation of any actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interests which may arise when a person engaged in delivering the Services is confronted with issues that that cause a conflict between that person’s public duties and their personal or private interests. It is incumbent upon any individual engaged on any Western Parkland City Authority contract to disclose to the Authority any conflicts of interest as soon as practicable after the situation reasonably comes to their attention. Any and all such conflicts of interests must be advised to Western Parkland City Authority (amrfpanels @wpca.sydney ) Western Parkland City Authority looks forward to reviewing your firm’s proposal. An online briefing will be held via MS Teams on the week starting 15th July 2024. Please email the amrfpanels@wpca.sydney email address with your Company Name, Contact Person, Contact Email Address before Tuesday 9th July 2024 and we will send you a link to the briefing.
RFT Type Invitation To Respond
Published 28-Jun-2024
Closes 14-Aug-2024 5:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Electrical devices and equipment
Agency Bradfield Development Authority
Last Updated: 25-Jul-2024 12:35pm