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Parramatta Light Rail - Supply, Operate and Maintain - ISD-17-6720

Contract Award Notice ID ISD-17-6720
Publish Date 7-Mar-2019
Category Infrastructure
Agency Transport for NSW (Legacy Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this contract

The Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Stage 1, Supply, Operate and Maintain (SOM) Contract includes the supply of Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs), the design and construction of light rail systems and stops above slab, the design and construction of the stabling and maintenance facility, and the operation and maintenance of PLR – Stage 1.

Original Contract Duration 14-Jan-2019 to 17-May-2031
Amended Contract Duration 14-Jan-2019 to 15-May-2032

Contract Award Notice Details

Contractor Name Great River City Light Rail Pty Ltd
ACN 622239605
ABN 60 622 239 605
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address Level 8, 469 LaTrobe St
Town/City Melbourne
State/Territory VIC
Postcode 3000

Other private sector entities involved in, with an interest in or benefiting from this contract

Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles S.A, Spanish Commercial Register Number A20001020

Transdev Australasia Pty Ltd (ACN 079 303 816)

The Independent Certifier is: 

APP Corporation Pty Limited (ABN 29 003 764 770)

Estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$589,896,047.00 (A project to be undertaken)

Amended estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$725,696,752.20 (A project to be undertaken)

Any provisions for payment to the contractor for operational or maintenance services

For undertaking the O&M Activities the Monthly Service Payments are payable (clause 11.10 and Schedule 2), which are in addition to the above amount.

Method of Tendering


Description of any provision under which the amount payable to the contractor may be varied

The amount payable to the Contractor may be varied under the following Contract provisions:


  • arising out of a Change in Codes and Standards under  clause 2.3(f);
  • arising out of a Change in Law under clause 2.3(g);
  • arising out of a Change in Authority Approval under  clause 2.3(h);
  • • arising out of a legal challenge under clause 2.4;
  • arising out of inaccuracy in a Nominated Document under  clause 3.7(h);
  • arising out of Valuable Finds under clause 3.8;
  • arising out of Additional Contamination under clause 3.9(h);
  • arising out of Unknown Utility Services under clause 3.11;
  • arising out of the amendment of the Infrastructure SPR or  the Infrastructure Management Requirements under  clause 5.4;
  • arising out of any non-compliance raised or action proposed pursuant to clause 5.11(b)(i) or an action to be taken under clause 5.11(b)(ii);
  • arising out of a difference in scope from a new Safety  Interface Agreement under clause 5.21(d);
  • arising out of the valuation of a Variation under clause 6.4;
  • arising out of a change or direction under clause 6.12;
  • arising out of Defective Contemporaneous Works under clause 7.2(h);
  • arising out of the rectification of an Urgent Defect which is not a Defect under clause 8.14;
  • arising out of cost incurred under clause 10.1(f);
  • for Delay Costs under clause 10.10;
  • for costs of suspension under clause 10.11;
  • for the costs of compression under clause 10.15;
  • in respect of a Compensable Intervening Event under clause 10.19(b);
  • arising out of loss or damage to the Relevant Rail Assets under clause 13.4(d); or
  •  subject to clause 17.1(b) any other Claim made on any other    basis whatsoever under, arising out of, or in any way in    connection with the contract.   
Description of any provisions under which the contract may be renegotiated
  • All provisions of the Contract may be renegotiated by way of Deed of Variation.
  • Variations can be proposed by the Principal (clause 6.1) and directed by the Principal (clause 6.2).
  • Variations can be proposed by the Contractor (clause 6.8)
  • Variations can be requested by the Infrastructure Contractor (clause 6.14)
  • New Projects can be undertaken (clause 6.15)
  • Augmentation (clause 24)

Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed

Evaluation Criteria Weighting

2. Integrated Design Approach and Solutions


3. Integrated Delivery Approach and Solutions


5. Commercial and Financial Acceptability to TfNSW


1. Customer Focussed Outcomes during Operations


4. Whole of Life Asset Management


5. Risk-adjusted cost


6. Collaboration

Contract Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Industrial Relations Details for this Contract
Name of Sub-contractors (incl. ABN & ACN)

CAF Rail Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 15 146 694 537) 

WSP Australia Pty Limited (ABN 80 078 004 798) 

Applicable Industrial Instruments

Not Applicable

Location of Work

The works will take place along the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 alignment as shown in


NSW Industrial Relations inspectors routinely audit the employment records of contractors and sub-contractors to all NSW Government contracts. The results of these inspections are published on the NSW Industrial Relations website.

Agency Contact TfNSW Parramatta Light Rail - Procurement Manager

State/Territory NSW


Phone Number 028265 7407

Particulars of future transfers of assets to the State, at zero or nominal cost to the State, including the date of their transfer

Not Applicable.

Particulars of future transfers of assets to the contractor including the date of their transfer

Not Applicable.

The results of any cost-benefit analysis of the contract conducted by the agency

Commercial in confidence.

The components and quantum of the public sector comparator if used

Not Applicable.

If relevant, a summary of information used in the contractor's full base case financial model (for example, the pricing formula for tolls or usage charges)

The Contractor's financial modelling is commercial in confidence.

If relevant, particulars of how risk, during the construction and operational phases of a contract to undertake a specific project (such as construction, infrastructure or property development), is to be apportioned between the parties, quantified (where practicable) in net present-value terms and specifying the major assumptions involved

The risk apportionment of the Contract is as disclosed, or is commercial in confidence.

Particulars as to any significant guarantees or undertakings between the parties, including any guarantees or undertakings with respect to loan agreements entered into or proposed to be entered into

Guarantees have been obtained from the Contractor's guarantors. The details of the guarantees are commercial in confidence.

Particulars of any other key elements of the contract

Refer to the published copy of the SOM Contract which is available on TfNSW's website.

A web site address which provides direct access to the complete contract less confidential information
Has the contract or any provisions within it been withheld from this disclosure under the exemptions provisions of the GIPA Act Section 32? (YES or NO)
If yes to the above, what are the reasons why the contract, or provisions therein, have not been provided?

Please see table published on the TfNSW website: 


If yes to the above, is it intended that the contract or those provisions be published at a later date, and if so, when?

Please see table published on the TfNSW website: 


If yes to the above, when some but not all provisions of the contract have been published, a general description of the types of provisions that have not been provided

Please see table published on the TfNSW website: