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RFT ID 0510022987
RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 16-Mar-2009
Closes 30-Apr-2009 9:30am
Category Rehabilitation services
Agency Sydney Water Corporation

Contact Person
Frank Alexiadis
Phone: 9644 0251

Tender Details

Tender for the sewer rehabilitation program 2009-2012. Tender will include the rehabilitation of sewer reticulation, carriers, oviform and salt water tidal assets. Tender will also include rehabilitation of stormwater assets.

Please note upon purchase of this document a CD with Volumes 2&3 will be posted to your Company address. Please ensure that your registration details of contact name and address are correct.


NSW Regions: Sydney

RFT Type

Request for Proposals - An invitation for expressions of interest / seeking preliminary proposals. In many cases these may be used as a basis for shortlisting tenderers, along with other criteria such as expertise and experience. Prospective tenderers are initially evaluated for their proposal against the relevant selection criteria. A number of those who best meet the criteria are invited to tender. For complex or some other types of procurement, where the product or service outcomes are highly dependent on the content of the proposals received from Tenderers, the outcome may be negotiated.