Tender Details
This expression of interest (EOI) seeks a solution with two outcomes: move the current development and test workloads to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform; and a replicated disaster recovery solution with stand-by (powered off) replicas in the IaaS platform, to the NSW Department of Trade and Investment (DTI).
NSW Trade & Investment is seeking a cloud IaaS platform to reduce the reliance in-house infrastructure and provide a universal disaster recovery solution. NSW Trade & Investment aims to reduce its reliance on managing its own infrastructure and take advantage of pay per hours of use that IaaS offerings provide. This will allow systems to be powered down or suspended when not required, reducing the cost of overhead of spare capacity. The solution is expected to include software tools to aid the migration of development and test systems to the platform, and the replication and synchronisation of systems for recovery in the event of a catastrophic failure of its data centres.
The IaaS platform will host test and development systems for NSW Trade & Investment. This will allow systems to be suspended / powered off when not required, and provide rapid provisioning ability for new business initiatives. This will reduce the cost of providing these systems at the same time as improving the agility of NSW Trade & Investment to investigate new solutions.
The other key deliverable NSW Trade & Investment want is a base level of Information and Communications Technology Disaster Recovery (ICT-DR) for all production systems. ICT-DR will re-establish technology services in the event of a catastrophic failure of one of the main sites housing ICT equipment.
An additional requirement is that IaaS platform must be inter-changeable. NSW Trade & Investment wants to re-evaluate the platform annually and be able to migrate to a new platform with minimal re-work and cost
It is expected that this solution will include (but not be limited to):
•Professional Services to aid in the analysis, design, project delivery and implementation of the solution;
•An Infrastructure as a Service platform charged for on a monthly basis in increments of hours used;
•A software (or suite of) tool (s) to automate migrations to the IaaS platform and allow for the replication and synchronisation of systems for recovery;
•Disaster recovery planning support and guidance; and
•Training and handover documentation.
States and Territories: ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
RFT Type
Tender Respondents
Business Name | Trading Name | Address |
Ac3 | - | Suite 7002 2 Locomotive Street Eveleigh NSW 2015 AUSTRALIA |
ASG Group Limited | - | 4/10 Bridge St Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
Capgemini Australia | - | Level 7, 77 King St Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
CloudVelocity Inc. | - | 2350 Mission College Boulevard Suite 1250 Santa Clara 95054 UNITED STATES |
CSC Australia | - | 26 Talavera rd Macquarie Park NSW 2113 AUSTRALIA |
Datapod | Datapod | Unit 6 / 28 Eyre Street Kingston Canberra ACT 2607 AUSTRALIA |
Ethan Group | - | Level 5, 13-15 Lyon Park rd North Ryde NSW 2110 AUSTRALIA |
Experteq It Services Pty Ltd | - | 134 Correys Ave North Strathfield NSW 2137 AUSTRALIA |
Fronde Australia Pty Ltd | - | Level 3, 35 Chandos Street St Leonards NSW 2065 AUSTRALIA |
Hewlett Packard Australia Pty Ltd | - | 410 Concord Road, Rhodes Sydney NSW 2138 AUSTRALIA |
IBM Australia | - | 601 Pacific Hwy St Leonards NSW 2065 AUSTRALIA |
iQ3 | - | 166 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 AUSTRALIA |
Nextgen Group | Nextgen Networks Pty Ltd | Level 6, 333 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Melbourne VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA |
NTT COM ICT SOLUTIONS (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD | - | Level 19, 321 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
Rackspace; The Open Cloud Company | - | 210 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
Ricoh Australia PTY LTD | Ricoh Australa | Suite G2 2 Richardson Place North Ryde NSW 2113 AUSTRALIA |
Senath P/L | Senath | Suite 27, 2/104 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA |
Telstra Corporation | - | L28/320 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2113 AUSTRALIA |
Yuruware | Yuruware | Australian Technology Park Level 5, 13 Garden Street Eveleigh Sydney NSW 2015 AUSTRALIA |
Related Records
- RFTs:
- Contract Award Notices:
- DTIRIS13/82-2 ASG Group Limited
Address for Lodgement
Estimated Timeframe for Delivery
6 Months