Tender Details
This RFP invites accommodation providers to lodge proposals for consideration to become a provider of accommodation for NSW Government (NSWG) in key locations. This RFP aims to appoint accommodation providers to deliver accommodation services to the Whole of NSWG in locations within Australia, with a strategic focus on regional and remote New South Wales.
To participate in this process, you will be contacted directly by FCM Consulting. If you have not been contacted and wish to participate, please email nswg.hotelsourcing@fcmtravel.com.au to express your interest. FCM Consulting will assess if your property meets the initial eligibility criteria of being in close proximity to our high volume accommodation cities and towns and/or you have, in the past 12months, received 100+ room nights from NSW Government travellers. For estimated room nights, refer to attached RFP Terms & Conditions, Appendix A.
In case you don’t have access to CVENT, please notice that you will be required to express your interest by close of business Friday 30 June 2023. This will allow you to have access to the tool and lodge your proposal accordingly.
States and Territories: ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
For further detail concerning the RFP please refer to the attached Terms & Conditions.
Address for Lodgement
Covered Procurement Details
- The Procurement (Enforceable Procurement Provisions) Direction 2019 applies to this procurement
- A government agency may conduct negotiations with suppliers regarding the procurement
Conditions for Participation
This is a notice only.
Refer to description and attached RFP document for further details.