Tender Details
The NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced organisations to develop and deliver facilities managememnt services for disability housing to replace the Hunter Residences Large Residential Centres (LRCs).
The objectives of the Hunter Residences Program (the program) are to:
• Replace the three Hunter Residences LRCs with contemporary style accommodation for 440 existing people, mostly in the Hunter Region, but spread across NSW.
• Identify one or more Housing Providers who can finance, design, build, fit out and provide facilities management services.
• Identify Housing Providers which understand the disability services environment and can work with Disability Service Providers who, in each residence, undertake the day to day care of residents and the management of specialist disability services.
• Demonstrate excellence in the provision of flexible, efficient and effective housing for people with disabilities.
• Integrate the housing with surrounding neighbours and the local community.
RFT Type
This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details
Related Records
- RFTs:
- Contract Award Notices:
- FACS.16.129 Home4Life Limited