Tenders in this section closed 30 or more days ago. Respondents details are included, where available.

Civil Works Associated with High Voltage Cables
This specification covers the civil works including but not limited to excavation and reinstatement around buried high voltage power cables mainly within the Sydney Metropolitan Area and any other sites as required by the Principal. This specification also covers the testing and GPS logging of dig sites. The work shall be on the basis of “ as and when required ” for a period of two years from the date of order. An option for an additional two years by agreement with the Principal is also available under this contract.
RFT ID Q29/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 27-May-2016
Closes 14-Jun-2016 11:00am
Earthmoving service
Last Updated: 27-May-2016 2:06pm

Fire Detection and Protection System Maintenance and Repair
Provision of Fire Detection and Protection Systems Maintenance and Repair for a two (2) year period in accordance with Quotation Specification No. Q20/16, Attachments 1 to 3, the Principals Conditions of Quotation and Conditions of Order, Conditions of Order - Annexure A and Returnable Schedules 1 to 11.
RFT ID Q20/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 1-Apr-2016
Closes 3-May-2016 11:00am
Fire protection system and equipment maintenance or repair service
Last Updated: 29-Apr-2016 2:05pm

Power Systems Equipment Procurement Panel No. 2 HV Switchgear (Main)
As part of a strategic procurement review, the Principal has identified the need to achieve flexibility in its procurement requirements in terms of both standard and non-standard products as well as introducing new technology and innovation. The new sourcing strategy involves the establishment of a series of panels covering the range of power system equipment, allowing for multiple procurement processes depending on the project type needed.
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 11-Mar-2016
Closes 19-Apr-2016 11:00am
Electrical equipment and components and supplies
Last Updated: 14-Apr-2016 2:24pm

Asbestos Removal & Storm Damage Repairs
Asbestos Removal & Associated Storm Damage Repairs at Narrabri 132kV Substation.
RFT ID Q5/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 10-Mar-2016
Closes 12-Apr-2016 11:00am
Asbestos removal or encapsulation
Last Updated: 29-Mar-2016 12:17pm

Geotechnical Engineering Services
Establishment of Panel for Geotechnical Engineering Services
RFT ID Q14/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 1-Mar-2016
Closes 5-Apr-2016 11:00am
Geotechnical or geoseismic engineering
Last Updated: 29-Mar-2016 11:23am

RFT ID Q12/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-Feb-2016
Closes 22-Mar-2016 11:00am
Helicopter services
Last Updated: 19-Feb-2016 2:34pm

RFT ID Q13/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 16-Feb-2016
Closes 8-Mar-2016 11:00am
Chartered airplane travel
Last Updated: 16-Feb-2016 11:07am

Cleaning Services at Metropolitan Substations
Provision of cleaning services at Metropolitan Substations.
RFT ID Q6/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 18-Jan-2016
Closes 1-Mar-2016 11:00am
Building cleaning services
Last Updated: 22-Feb-2016 1:27pm

Vales Point 330/132kV Substation Refurbishment
Vales Point 330/132kV Substation Refurbishment
RFT ID C1441
RFT Type Selective Tenders
Published 15-Dec-2015
Closes 23-Feb-2016 11:00am
Last Updated: 4-Jan-2016 10:59am

The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply and testing of OPGW in accordance with this specification and applicable standards. The Contractor shall provide all services and documentation necessary to design and test the OPGW including the supply of OPGW on suitable drums for the construction of High Voltage Power lines.
RFT ID Q116/15
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 10-Dec-2015
Closes 2-Feb-2016 11:00am
Electrical transmission and distribution equipment
Last Updated: 20-Jan-2016 9:00am

Liddell 330kV Substation Fence Rectification
Liddell 330kV Substation / Switchyard Security Fence Rectification / Replacement.
RFT ID Q1/16
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 18-Dec-2015
Closes 2-Feb-2016 11:00am
Metal fencing
Last Updated: 19-Jan-2016 9:44am

Supply of Air Cored Shunt Reactors
Transgrid Requires supply of Five single phase Air cored Outdoor Shunt Reactors to replace units that have reached end of serviceable life
RFT ID Q107/15
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 4-Dec-2015
Closes 19-Jan-2016 11:00am
Shunt reactor
Last Updated: 8-Jan-2016 11:35am

Provision of replacement of TransGrid's Metrogrid tunnel pump and rising main as per Quotation Specication Q117/15 - Parts 1 to 4, Schedules 1 to 10 and TransGrid's Conditions of Order.
RFT ID Q117/15
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 25-Nov-2015
Closes 22-Dec-2015 11:00am
Pumping or draining
Last Updated: 26-Nov-2015 12:19pm

Drug and Alcohol Testing Services
Drug and Alcohol Testing Services and Information Sessions for a period of 2 years.
RFT ID Q122/15
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 26-Nov-2015
Closes 22-Dec-2015 11:00am
Drug or alcohol screening
Last Updated: 26-Nov-2015 1:46pm

Power Systems Equipment Procurement Panel No. 1 HV Switchgear (Main)
As part of a strategic procurement review, the Principal has identified the need to achieve flexibility in its procurement requirements in terms of both standard and non-standard products as well as introducing new technology and innovation. The new sourcing strategy involves the establishment of a series of panels covering the range of power system equipment, allowing for multiple procurement processes depending on the project type and need.
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 20-Oct-2015
Closes 15-Dec-2015 11:00am
Electrical equipment and components and supplies
Last Updated: 24-Nov-2015 9:24am